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Find a TARGIT-IORT centre near you, and also calculate the travel-savings:

Please note: Distance and time are for a car journey and time includes 1 hour in the hospital per trip; the carbon footprint assumes 300 gm CO2 / mile. Estimates using the method described in  Calculations are for the 8 out of 10 patients who do not need supplemental whole breast radiotherapy after TARGIT-IORT. This comparison does not take into account other benefits of TARGIT-IORT such as reduced personal cost, better cosmetic outcome, better quality of life or fewer deaths from non-breast-cancer deaths (9.85% vs 5.41% at 12 years).
Content on this side is for information only and must not be taken as medical advice - for which your treating doctor should be consulted

Number of TARGIT-IORT centres per country

Papers supporting TARGIT-IORT for breast cancer 2023-11-10.jpg
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