TARGIT-IORT for breast cancer: Scientific publications
Links to scientific papers supporting targeted intraoperative radiotherapy (TARGIT-IORT with Intrabeam) for breast cancer: https://bit.ly/TARGIT-IORT-Bibliography
The graphic below shows papers until 2023. There have been >30 additional papers since then

Long-term clinical trial results -1: British Medical Journal

Long-term clinical trial results -2: British Journal of Cancer
Long-term clinical trial results - 5 min summary presented at NCRI, UK, Nov 2021
Patients >=65 Years With Early Breast Cancer Prefer Intraoperative Radiation as a Locoregional Treatment Choice
(Patients overwhelmingly choose IORT when given the option: 75% choose IORT, 14% whole breast radiotherapy, 5% 'no radiotherapy', and 6% mastectomy.
Archives of Surgical Oncology 9 Mar 2021
Global adoption of single-shot targeted intraoperative radiotherapy (TARGIT-IORT) to improve breast cancer treatment – better for patients, better for health care systems
(Over 45,000 patients in 38 countries have been treated with TARGIT-IORT for breast cancer in over 260 centres worldwide)
- https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fonc.2022.786515/full
TARGIT-IORT during lumpectomy for breast cancer - better for patients than other PBI approaches
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 25 Feb 2021
Single-dose intraoperative radiotherapy during lumpectomy for breast cancer: an innovative patient-centred treatment (includes updated tables comparing modern radiation therapy options for breast cancer)
Link to interactive PDF - British Journal of Cancer, 2 February 2021
TARGIT-IORT is very different from ELIOT
The Lancet Oncology, July 2021, https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(21)00278-3/fulltext
"...the long-term breast cancer outcomes (median 9 years, maximum 19 years follow-up) of TARGIT-IORT were similar to the outcomes of whole-breast irradiation. Importantly, most patients in the TARGIT-A trial who had high-risk features (including 78% of patients with grade 3 tumours, 82% of patients with oestrogen receptor-negative tumours, and 63% of patients with node-positive tumours) did not receive supplemental external beam radiotherapy after targeted intraoperative radiotherapy.
With effective local control, breast cancer mortality with targeted intraoperative radiotherapy is no different from whole-breast irradiation (as shown by the superimposed Kaplan-Meier survival curves), and the reduction in non-breast cancer mortality is substantial: HR 0·59 (95% CI 0·40–0·86; p=0·005), 41% relative risk reduction, and 4·4% in absolute risk reduction (from 9·85% to 5·41% at 12 years).
There are many other benefits to targeted intraoperative radiotherapy. Notably, unlike electron intraoperative radiotherapy, it does not require linear accelerator-style radiation protection. Targeted intraoperative radiotherapy can be done in a standard surgical theatre, has lower toxicity, improved quality of life, superior cosmetic outcomes, and lower health-care costs than whole-breast radiotherapy"
Intraoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer: powerful evidence to change practice
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 25 January 2021
Supplement includes detailed tables comparing various forms of radiotherapy for breast cancer
Long-term data confirms that single dose radiotherapy during surgery for breast cancer (TARGIT-IORT) is as effective as whole breast radiotherapy
Association of Breast Surgeons UK 2021 Yearbook, 27 Jan 2021
New evidence from several independent centrs around the world about TARGIT-IORT during lumpectomy for breast cancer since the last NICE appraisal
(click to download a pdf - please use Adobe's bookmarks to see the table of contents, rather than reading directly on Dropbox)
TARGIT literature archive (1995-2018)
First publication of the main results of the TARGIT-A trial
2010 The Lancet. 2010 ;376(9735):91-102.
5-year results and first analysis of survival
2014 The Lancet, 11 November. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(13)61950-9
Clinico-Pathological and biological rationale of partial breast irradiation (PBI) and the TARGIT-A Trial
1995 Hongkong International Cancer Congress
1996 British Journal of Cancer
The Core trial Protocol of the Targit-A Trial
The original series of patients treated with intraoperative radiation therapy: the first full paper about Targit IORT technique
The surgical technique of targeted intraoperative radiotherapy (TARGIT) for early breast cancer treatment as used in the Targit trial
2002 European Journal of Surgical Oncology
2006 World Journal of Surgical Oncology (TARGIT IORT given under local anaesthetic)
A novel one-stop out-patient treatment for small breast cancers
PhD Thesis of Jayant S Vaidya
2002 University College London PhD Thesis
Initial media coverage
2003 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium:30-minute invited presentation about the Targit trial
2003 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium - first plenary on TARGIT IORT
Acute and Late Toxicity data about the Targit approach.
2004 ANZ Journal of Surgical Oncology
2006 Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys
2012 Breast Cancer Research and Treatment PDF
Reviews, Editorials, Viewpoint and Rebuttals
2004 British Journal of Radiology
2005 Seminas in Radiation Oncology
2007 Nature Clinical Practice Oncology
2008 Annals of New York Academy of Sciences
2015 Red Journal Aug 2015- Editorial by the Chief Editor
“…..Many careers have been built around fractionated radiation therapy for breast cancer, and it comprises a substantial proportion of the practice of the average contemporary radiation oncologist. Depending on your perspective, intraoperative radiation therapy is thus either a very serious threat or a quantum leap forward.”
2017 Practical Radiation Oncology February 2017
Commentary and corrections to the 2017 ASTRO - APBI guidelines
2018 The Lancet 6 Jan 2018 Targeted radiotherapy for breast cancer: Letter |
Updated meta-analysis of targeted radiotherapy vs whole breast radiotherapy
2018 BMJ Evidence Based Medicine Commentary on IMPORT-LOW trial
2018 JAMA Oncology -TARGIT- IORT the best method of partial breast irradiation - an independent opinion
2019 Anticancer research
- TARGIT-IORT in breast cancer patients who had implant augmentation full paper | SABCS poster
Meta-analyses confirming that targeted radiotherapy is effective in controlling breast cancer and reduces deaths heart attacks and other cancers
2016 Lancet April 2016
2016 Red Journal 13 May 2016
Mortality reduction with Partial Breast Irradiation: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
2018 The Lancet 6 Jan 2018
Updated meta-analysis of targeted radiotherapy vs whole breast radiotherapy
Targeted radiotherapy for breast cancer: Letter
Environmental and Social impact
2016 BMJ Open 10 May 2016
TARGIT IORT radiotherapy during lumpectomy for breast cancer could save millions of travel miles & tonnes of CO2. …plus free up thousands of hours for women with early stage breast cancer, every year.
Video Abstract
Full paper
Press release by the BMJ
Cost-effectiveness of TARGIT
2013 Annals of Surgical Oncology (PDF) 20:2873–2880
2016 HTA Journals Health economics - cost effectiveness of TARGIT IORT - PDF
Better Cosmetic outcome from TARGIT
2003 San Antonio Breast Cancer Conference
2013 Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (PDF) 140(3):519-25.
2018 Radiation Oncology
Better Quality of Life with TARGIT
2016 International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
Male breast cancer
2017 Breast
Breast Conservation for Male Breast Cancer: Case Report of Intraoperative Radiation with TARGIT-IORT
Post -IORT changes in the breast
2014 Eur J Surg Oncol
2017 Breast J
Book Chapters
2003 Recent Advances in Surgery
2006 Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (1st Edition)
2009 Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (2nd Edition)
2016 A Short course in breast radiotherapy: Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy (TARGIT)
Radiobiology of Targeted intraoperation radiation therapy (TARGIT): Mathematical Modelling of breast cancer growth, recurrence and intra-perative radiotherapy (IORT)
2005 Cancer Research UK Award Poster
2006 Journal of Theoretical Biology
2007 Journal of Theoretical Biology
Targit boost leading to a very low recurrence rate (5-yr actuarial = 1.73% – half the expected)
2006 International Journal or Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2010 International Journal or Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
Novel effects of TARGIT on tumour micro-environment
2009 International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
2017 Systemic Effects of local treatment : Surgery and intraoperative targeted radiotherapy
Full report of TARGIT-A trial comparing Intrabeam TARGIT IORT vs traditional radiotherapy over several weeks for early breast cancer
This contains several additional analyses including a) subgroup analysis as per tumour and patient characteristics b) formal health economic analysis c) analysis of the earliest cohort of patients with a median follow up of 5 years had the same results as the main trial, viz. – that TARGIT and EBRT had similar breast cancer control and non-breast-cancer deaths were fewer with TARGIT.
The publications from 2015-16, after the main results of the TARGIT-A trial were published as well as the initial publications (listed at the end of file) are available in the file:
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click on View profile, then show/hide – navigation panes and then click on Bookmarks.
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To read the list of 66 selected initial original publications please see Publications-between-1995-2014-about-the-TARGIT-IORT-Technique-and-the-TARGIT-trials.pdf The front page of this website has links to the full text PDFs of important publications http://www.targit.org.uk

Adoption and data about TARGIT-IORT from around the world and a patient's view
2014 BMC Cancer Nov 2014
French Study of 12,025 patients: Over 50% of patients having breast conservation are suitable for TARGIT IORT
2015 Breast Surg Mar-Apr 2015
Intraoperative radiotherapy of the breast for early-stage breast cancer: ready for primetime
2015 Br J Surgery May 2015
Intraoperative radiotherapy in early breast cancer
2015 Ecancermedicalscience Mar 2015
Is IORT ready for roll-out? [Yes]
Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation in Clinical Practice
2016 Annals of Surgical Oncology 9 May 2016
Red Journal Jun 2015
2016 Oncology 15 April 2016
American J Surg Oct 2016
2016 Lancet 7 May 2016:
Intraoperative radiation therapy for breast cancer: a patient’s view
Chapter in “Short Course Breast Radiotherapy” 1 Jan 2016
A Risk-Adapted Approach to Breast Radiation Using Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy (TARGIT)
Oncogene 15 Feb 2016
Radiotherapy-induced miR-223 prevents relapse of breast cancer by targeting the EGF pathway.
Oncology 15 April 2016
[Low] Frequency of Whole-Breast Radiation Therapy Following Intraoperative Radiation Therapy Due to Criteria Identified by Lumpectomy
Lancet 23 April 2016
A meta-analysis of GEC-ESTRO + TARGIT-A trials show Partial Breast Irradiation (PBI) has similar breast cancer control as Whole Breast Irradiation (WBI), and fewer deaths from other causes.
Red Journal 30 April 2016
Better Quality of Life with TARGIT
Ann Surg Oncol 2017
Keynote at American Society of Breast Surgeons
Annals of Surgical Oncology 9 May 2016
TARGIT-R (Retrospective): North American Experience [of nearly 1000 patients] with Intraoperative Radiation Using Low-Kilovoltage X-Rays [Intrabeam] for Breast Cancer
BMJ Open 10 May 2016
TARGIT IORT radiotherapy during lumpectomy for breast cancer could save millions of travel miles & tonnes of CO2. …plus free up thousands of hours for women with early stage breast cancer, every year.
Video Abstract
Full paper
Press release by the BMJ
Red Journal 13 May 2016
Mortality reduction with Partial Breast Irradiation: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Over 45,000 women have had TARGIT IORT with Intrabeam for their breast cancer treatment
Worldwide Adoption of Intrabeam TARGIT IORT